Jelenleg egy Asus NT-r16 routerem van, Tomato 1.28 Multilanguage by Shibby firmware-rel. Az említett telefon pedig egy Xiaomi Mi 6. Szóval a xiaomi router is szóba jóhet. Az összefoglaló szerinti igények: WAN, LAN port: gigabit Wifi: adott nas is, meg egy xiaomi media box, ami ügye csak wifin kapcsolódik. Mit ajánlotok?

Feb 13, 2012 · LG Ally, 2.2.1, Hidden SSID Enabler, WiFi Manager, Tomato firmware on Asus NT-R16 Comment 245 by, Apr 12, 2011 Hello All, I posted comment 242, sadly I must report that despite working on the day once I took the phone to work and brought it back home it will no longer connect to the hidden network. Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 17:13 Post subject: : I have an asus WL-500W and a Huawei E156G. i have some problem recognizing the usb key Here the dmesg after insmod usbserial.o e insmod option.o: RT-N16, PopTop: iPhone VPN connects successfully, but not able to access machines Jelenleg egy Asus NT-r16 routerem van, Tomato 1.28 Multilanguage by Shibby firmware-rel. Az említett telefon pedig egy Xiaomi Mi 6. Szóval a xiaomi router is szóba jóhet. Az összefoglaló szerinti igények: WAN, LAN port: gigabit Wifi: adott nas is, meg egy xiaomi media box, ami ügye csak wifin kapcsolódik. Mit ajánlotok? Jun 06, 2010 · Tomato on Asus RT-N16 router June 6, 2010 by Vinh Nguyen · 10 Comments Recently I’ve been playing with DD-WRT as my firmware of choice for my main router at home and the one I use as a wireless bridge . Oct 15, 2015 ·   Router is an ASUS NT-R16.   Main server computer is ASUS GC-5270 quad core w/ W7 64 bit, with 8TB of internal/attached storage. I have been using Mezzmo quite successfully for the past year as a media server instead of using network shares.   It has been very stable and easy to use.

多年前 Asus 推出 RT-N16 這款無線路由器,強大的硬體配置讓不少人動手進行改機,貼散熱片、刷韌體、塞入 2.5 吋硬碟都有人實做。近期 Asus 將再度照顧 2.4GHz 的使用者,推出 RT-N18U 無線路由器,處理器升級為 Broadcom BCM47081,無線網路也加入 TurboQAM 功能,速度提升至 600Mbps。

Vem, da ima tudi Asus wl-500g neke custom firmware-e, ki naj bi prek USB-ja podpirali 3G modeme in so hkrati trotl-ready. Vem namreč da generičen trotl-ready sistem za 20 različnih 3G modemov ni pis of kejk, zato tudi mene zanima, če kdo uporablja kakšen "stock" home router z generično USB 3G podporo. Netgear nighthawk ac1900 connection issues Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier.

Nov 30, 2013 · Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting up and running with a VPN connection between your Mac and Asus RT-N16 router with factory firmware. 1. Make sure DMZ is turned off. [ more detailed instructions ] Launch a browser and go to the setting page of router; the default website of ASUS router’s setting page is

RT-N16, PopTop: iPhone VPN connects successfully, but not able to access machines Jelenleg egy Asus NT-r16 routerem van, Tomato 1.28 Multilanguage by Shibby firmware-rel. Az említett telefon pedig egy Xiaomi Mi 6. Szóval a xiaomi router is szóba jóhet. Az összefoglaló szerinti igények: WAN, LAN port: gigabit Wifi: adott nas is, meg egy xiaomi media box, ami ügye csak wifin kapcsolódik. Mit ajánlotok? Jun 06, 2010 · Tomato on Asus RT-N16 router June 6, 2010 by Vinh Nguyen · 10 Comments Recently I’ve been playing with DD-WRT as my firmware of choice for my main router at home and the one I use as a wireless bridge . Oct 15, 2015 ·   Router is an ASUS NT-R16.   Main server computer is ASUS GC-5270 quad core w/ W7 64 bit, with 8TB of internal/attached storage. I have been using Mezzmo quite successfully for the past year as a media server instead of using network shares.   It has been very stable and easy to use. Nov 21, 2014 · ทำ Bridge Mode กับ Cable Modem Cisco EPC3825 กับ Router Asus RT-N16 Set Bridge Mode for Cable Modem Cisco EPC3825 with Router Asus RT-N16 1. เปิด Browser เข้